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Hey, I like the game concept and atmosphere. I can actually say it is the best quality godot game I've ever played.  Let me leave a negative review to help you; the gravity value in character physics is falling too fast, too much. You can make jumping and falling a little smoother. Also, at the beginning of the game, I waited to encounter enemies to be able to shoot, even if it was a snack. I wish you success.

Hey! This looks really good, but I can't run it on MacOS. I saw the comment about it, but I'm new to itch, so if I could get some additional guidance that would be great! Thank you!

Dev said " did you try running it with:

chmod -R +x in Terminal"


still not works

I would love to help out, but I don't have a Mac and can't look into the problem you have :(

Macos version doesn't work. 


did you try running it with:

chmod -R +x in Terminal


Yep,  it's working now : ) thank you. 


what font did you use? Can you include the download link? Thanks

All praise for the game has kinda already been said...

Which font do you mean?

(1 edit)

The "You died " font. From the message that appears when you die
Been seeing that a lot while playing

Quite a nice font though


324 / 5000

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the game is incredible, I have no criticism, because the whole game was thought to be difficult, for people to be more interested in playing, I analyzed everything the game design is incredible, great music, and the gameplay is very challenging, just for you to feel challenged and keep playing, it took me 137 minutes to finish


Holding for rope and jump by same button - bad idea.
Better make catch/release for rope by press jump button, not holding.
And how to remove previous  useless ropes?
Isn't easy catch needed rope if several ropes keep a close.


I think it might be intended that way, to make you rethink your usage of ropes. Makes it a bit more challenging, which I personally enjoy.

(1 edit) (+1)

There are a lot of control "features" that I think were not good decision. In the full feature version I am working on, the control are completely different.

... and there is a button to remove ropes ;)

Maybe try catch rope by default, when player NOT hold jump.
And release rope when pressing jump button.
Need try several variants, by words difficult says what variant better.


When is the next update for this game going to come out? I'd really enjoy having a new area (which is what I assume you are creating) This is one of the most enjoyable games i've played. Keep up the great content!


Hey, thanks for reaching out!
I think it's time to post another DevLog on this game and explain a bit what my plans are!


Nice game! Good job for everyone!



I finish the game for 3 times and I think I will finish again anyway the game is very fun pls can u make a update the game is too short


Hey, thanks for reaching out!
I think it's time to post another DevLog on this game and explain a bit what my plans are!


Bottomless, unlike me, who has ridiculous amounts of cake.


Hey thanks for the cool video!

No problem! It's really fun! ;{D

Really liked the rope mechanic, how u made it?

Thanks, it's made with rigidbodies and joints

can't open the mac app

Hey, Mac is very restrictive.

You could give this a try:


I think I can say the game is fun, but bloody difficult!

It is not even difficult, the controls are just not right enough for the game. I'm glad it's all fixed in the version I'm working on.

okay, nice

After playing this game for some time i just wanted to come here and say i really appreciate the effort you put into this game i think it is super fun to play 

I enjoyed this (after raging a bit). When the controls work it feels challenging but smooth, which really is a lot of fun. However, too often things feel slippery. I encountered one glitch where the rope went completely haywire (vibrating all over the place really fast), but most of the time the problems were with grabbing a ledge or climbing a wall. I think it could have been improved in some of these ways:

1. Allowing the player to 'restart' without either exiting to the main menu and reloading the game or dying. 
2. Allowing us to take down a rope if we missed our shot.
3. Making climbing walls more consistent. 
4. Allowing the player to jump from the rope, not just from the wall.
5. Preventing pressing down repeatedly on the joystick (or selecting "continue" on the death screen) from refreshing the animation only at the end of which you move down to start the level (or continue/respawn).

(1 edit)

I have also noticed that at times if you're climbing the rope up to a ledge, and your character isn't able to grab the ledge (for no apparent reason), then sometimes you can get stuck on the rope, unable to descend, unable to do anything except fall to your death. I also found, while I was trying to improve my time on normal mode, that you can be completely immobilized (unable to move at all, no matter what you try to do to get out of it) if your character simultaneously tries to climb down a rope and climb down a wall. That's very frustrating and should be fixed. The timing for the jump (if you're jumping from one platform immediately after landing) is a little too tight - a bit more generosity here would make the game feel a lot more responsive.

One thing I will say for it is that it's addicting though. There's something about it which keeps me coming back. After having glitches ruin my best runs, though, I'll be put off for a while. You have something here, but you need to refine it. 


Great game, finished the demo. Visuals look great. 

Just some points, sometimes it's difficult to grab on to the rope, the character just slides to some crazy areas if its close to the ground. Also its quite difficult to move around, the ledge grab from the rope might be better if it was a tad bigger. The character doesn't grab the ledge unless its aimed the rope exactly at the corner. Pretty much had to be pixel perfect.

All in all a great game, other than the difficulty maneuvering around, I love the visuals and atmosphere. Looking forward to playing more of it. Gave a little tip for your troubles =) 

Thanks for your comment!

First things first, it's not a demo, it's the old "finished" game jam version of the game that was completed in a week :)

The controls are really strange and behave very unexpected sometimes.

Thanks for the tip and the feedback, glad you liked the art :)

Oh in that case, I cant wait for the full game! I stumbled on your youtube channel and I saw the newer stuff and cant wait. Really loving the style there.

Also, saw that you used godot for this. What is your take on the engine so far?

It has pros and cons like every engine :)

I like it very much, it feels great to make the game. The scene structure and overall workflow feels very natural to me and works fantastic.

Some things are not perfect but get adressed in the future, the development is strong and has great people behind it.

Great thanks!

The game suddenly crashes and closes when press trackpad(two fingrr right click) + space + wasd at th same time on Macbook Pro 2016. Maybe it’s a godot bug.

Hm, that's strange and unfortunate. I don't own a Mac and can't really debug such things :(

Deleted 2 years ago

How do you come to that conclusion? Which projects did you complete in Godot? Would be fantastic if you could share some insights.

Deleted 2 years ago

I never run into such things...

(1 edit) (+2)

The visuals and the gameplay is awesome!

I believe that the controls could be a little tighter and more responsive, especially when climbing; some times when hooked on a wall the jump button does not work and you have to drop off and the re-try; something really annoying when you are on wall where you can die if you fall. I, also, suggest the acceleration and deceleration to be faster -higher friction, if you use physics-, so that the controls feel more resposive. Finally, I believe that there should be some tweaking on the wall-to-jump (towards the opposite direction) movement; it is really difficult to manage it properly, without falling...

Those are some suggestion I have movement-wise.

Oh, by the way, I would love to know more about the story!

All in all, it is a great game and I hope there will be more levels in different areas... Like a desert... I am just saying... ahem... ahem...

I will stick around to see how this project will evolve!

Keep up the great job!


i have an idea: at a later point in the game, when you have to go really far down to get your treasure, introduce a checkpoint system, where you can light a campfire about half way down, so when you die you dont have to start the expedition from the very begining. you still have to get up all the way from the treasure, so i dont think this would take away any challenge.


relly fun game and may I ask a questionhow do you handle scene chaingi I am making a metroid venia in godot but I am handeling scene changing with multyple scenes for each rom for every entrance is there a mor eficient way?

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the game, it has amazing graphics and the music really fits the mood. I love the exploration concept and my favorite part has to be the pixel art, but every time I find a key my screen freezes and I lose the cursor. LOL key is working. All in all it's a great game.


stunning visuals and fun game mechanics! the one issue i have is when vinching up a rope and coming near a wall. you cant move further up the rope, and its super hard to jump and cling onto the wall. maybe make a smoother transition from rope to wallclimb :)


Very cool! Want moar!

But need tuning for rope change mechanics. (it's difficult to jump rope-wall at some situations)

amazing game!

Amazing platform-survival game with very interesting gameplay mechanics (rope)!
Amazing visual effects especially with the flares!

Just played the game  for the first time today and here are my thoughts:

I love the game concept and the art but I just can't handle the controls. I don't play a lot of video games which might be the problem but I just can't play this game. Mounting and using ropes is really tricky and with all of the buttons doing multiple things I keep doing the wrong action. 

Maybe make it so you can only have one rope on screen at a time (ie the rope you just shot gets deleted when you make another) since whenever I messed up my first shot I would never be able to mount the right rope since they all group up.

I might be having so much trouble because it is my first time and I am not used to the game yet, hopefully as I play more it will get better. 

Art 11/10

Concept 10/10

Controls 6/10

This is probably the best Godot game, I have seen so far. The art is amazing and the gameplay gets addicting once you get over the controls. I will also try it with a xbox360 controller to see if it behaves better. I have also played your other games, and they are all very nice. I hope that you continue developing this game and make it even better! Congrats!


Hey! Thanks for the feedback! Yes I'm still working on it, but since it was a very quick project (for the game jam) now I have the unthankful task of refactoring a lot of the games basic things. 

I have finished a lot of stuff and the version I have here is so much smoother and polished that it is also so much more fun to play. 

I hope I will reach the point soon where I can finally come out of the cave again with some nice news :)


Hello! First of all I want to say WOW this is one heck of a gorgeous game.  The color design is spot-on and I love the concept. 

Now for the implementation--I love the gameplay, but I do find there are many times when a rope isn't climbable, and it seems like it should be. There are also times where you get in a little nook in the wall and you should be able to climb the rope out of your situation, but because the nook's roof is so low, you can't get the height to jump onto the rope. Obviously this isn't a problem for people better at games than I am lol. 

I don't claim to be good at games, but I do love to play them! So please please continue your improvements (I loved the addition of an exploration mode!!!), and I'll definitely be coming back!

Thanks for the feedback!

The rope movement is a big challenge at the moment and my desk is full of different concepts how to make it better.

But first, I have to think about how to continue the project!

(1 edit)

That's fair! I cant wait to see what you do in the future!


The pixel art is beautiful! The snow, the atmosphere of the cave, the sound of the pickaxe, the movement and creak of the rope were pleasant.

It took me about an hour to clear the first version. I think the combination of a non-expansive map and a time limit is a good idea because it's tense.

About the version with no time limit. If the maps were more expansive and there were more save points, it might be a more voluminous game like Metroidvania.
But the current length is also just right and I like it.
Thanks for the nice game! From a user in Japan.


Thanks for the nice comment!

Yes, it's far from being a "complete" game :)

(1 edit)

Pretty interesting, though some of the artifacts are at very hard to reach spots. I managed to collect four of them. There are quite a few annoying things though; like the controls being shown everytime, very long animation of the artifact wall and the timer.

Hey, check out the newest version, it has a lot of bug fixes (as for example the controls always being shown)

Hey, good that you're continuing with the game. Here's my feedback:

  • At first it was a little weird since you've changed the controls. I prefer the hold setup. In which case, you could have him drop from the rope by pressing space.
  • Displaying the controls was good. Why did you remove that? You should just show it only the first time the player goes down. Or was it hidden because I already had some gems?
  • I would like the jump with W as well, since you're not using it for something else anyway.
  • It is still too difficult to get the gems far down. The flare falls down and it is very dark. Maybe flares can be shot into the wall? It would nice if the rope could glow as well.
  • Perhaps also make it so that you can shoot the start and end point of the rope. So, that the starting point is not constraint to where you're standing.

Wow, thanks for the great feedback!

I'm still not sure which setup I prefer for the rope control. But I think it would be maybe best to leave it to the player and include an option to switch it from HOLD DOWN to TOGGLE.

The displayed controls were actually a bug, but I could check if it is the players first run and display the controls if it is the first run.
But, if I will continue the development I would change the whole approach to a tutorial based first level without a rope and put the rope as an unlock so the player has time to get used to the basic controls.

Jumping with W is a bit problematic as:
- Up on the joypad is easily "pressed" by accident and it's the same mapping.
- W is also used to go up the rope when attached so thats a problem if you want to let go by pressing jump or having the current controls.

Sticking flares is a good idea and not to hard to implement :)

About shooting the end and the start separately: funny that you mention it, it was like this before release, but it has a lot of problems:

- shooting around a corner can produce weird results for the rope
- It makes it almost too easy, you can shoot any rope setup you like

But anyway, if the game is continued I want to include more unlocks for the rope launcher, having start and end separately launched could be an upgrade, just like shooting while jumping (to create a swing rope)

Thanks again for the feedback!


This game is great, dont get me wrong, but I would just ask for the ability to mute music and sound effects, only because I usually cant hear my friends if I'm talking to them on Discord.

I will put that into the game in the next version!


I love everything about this. The concept, the artwork, how it controls. I'd like to see an obvious indicator that the rope is ready to be climbed on since I fell a lot from trying to jump on a rope that he just wouldn't connect to yet.

My main issue is the same as everyone else's. I don't mind time trials but this is the kind of thing I'd rather be able to explore freely and leave speedruns as an optional challenge. 

If the whole point of the game is the time management aspect, though, then the time needs to be much longer or each artifact should add more to it or something. It doesn't feel balanced for the amount of time you get right now. 

I'll save the game in case there are updates down the road so I can show it off on my channel then. Regardless, really great job on this!

Hey, I just uploaded an update yesterday. There are a lot of improvement and an exploration mode without time pressure :)

You may want to give it a try!

Thanks for letting me know!

I'd so play this if it had an exploring / no-time pressure option.


Then keep your eyes open for the next version ;)

New version with exploration mode is out :)


Awesome, downloading it right now!


the game is fun and i'm loving it, but the time pressure is much😬... the graphics is 100%, so much to have been done within the jam timeframe... consider turning it to a full game👌🏽


I created an account just to comment on this.

I hate games that time pressure me but I played it nonetheless because it looked great. It definitely needs a bit of polish (the ability to jump from a rope would be mandatory imo), but it really has all the potential to be a full game. Please give it a thought :)

Hey, thanks for the feedback!

If you like, check out the latest version with a lot of updates.

this is wonderful! i guess you used premade assets but nevertheless this is amazing! Love the music and sound effects and the art is amazing!!! rope climbing mechanic is fantastic!!

Hey Dima,

except a few of the sound effects, everything was made by myself.

But even many sound effects were made by myself (some even using my mobile phone to record them, for example pushing and bending my guitar strings for the rope attach sounds :) )

For a few of the shaders I got some help of the internet :)

When playing with an xbox controller, when you start the game it shows an overlay with the controls on it and 2 buttons, neither of the buttons can be selected with the controller so you can't advance (using just the controller). But if you press the Menu button, then the buttons are selectable (there's almost no visual difference, just an outline around the buttons to make it clear they are selectable)

Oh also, couple of things, maybe bugs, not sure. When pressing the View button on an xbox controller, the game quits without confirmation or warning. Seems a bit abrupt. 

Also, when I go to the tutorial, then Return to Main Menu, the music stops. Leaving just sound effects. That seems like a bug.

Well this is lovely. I'm not sure what to do once I've gotten the artifact in the tutorial. All I can see to do is fall down a bottomless pit.

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